Facts About Prophet

born in st.louis missouRi,currently resided in Florida. He Can Proudly Say That heโ€™s Been a Entrepreneur Damn Near All his Life but his artwork is top Tier in hiS career. prophet is advenTurous and loves to EleVate by the day. Heโ€™s a Dreamer, a Alchemist Youโ€™d Think. He has Been A Big Believer Since Birth So heโ€™s Destined To Be All he Want To Be In This World Of Manifestations. kylan Loves To Take Action Immediately With the best Of his ability by applying the QQMA Formula.

(Quality+Quantity of services & The Best Mental Attitude In Which The Services Are Rendered)

Prophet Speaks With The Universe Daily and hes Extremely Grateful For him & his Loved One. he Enjoys Traveling & Taking Action To The Fullest. kylan Loves To meditate, to elevate, to visualize till the point it feels like heโ€™s Floating on a smooth river As The Time Pasts Because What สแดแดœ Resist สแดแดœ Persist. he Enjoys Gaining New Wisdom And Skill. he Knows For a Fact That Everything Is Energy So ULTIMATELY heโ€™s Everything & Everywhere. Here Let Me Explain Deeperโ€ฆ Just Because we ๐ป๐’ถ๐“‹๐‘’ The Power Tooโ€ฆ Now what he learned in life, was that There Is An Unlimited Supply Of Ideas that are Available To You, All Knowledge, Discoveries, and Inventions Are In The Mind As Possibilities, Waiting For us To Draw Them Forth. You Literally Hold Everything In Your Consciousness! โ™จ I started off as a self-taught artist but as I got older I attracted the opportunities to take a few art classes here and there throughout my school career. I wish to teach, inspire and awaken the people through my art!